Barriers to screening and isoniazid preventive therapy for child contacts of tuberculosis patients
India's guidelines recommend tuberculosis (TB) screening of household contacts aged <6 years and isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for children without active disease. We evaluated the current status and barriers to screening and IPT provision among the child contacts of TB patients.
Questionnaire and health record data were collected from index cases and health care providers (HCPs) at Sassoon General Hospital, Pune, India.
Of 80 adult TB cases, 24 (30%) reported that an HCP recommended TB screening of their child contacts; 49/178 (28%) child contacts were screened. Sixteen (33%) children had active TB, and 28 (85%) of those who screened negative were prescribed IPT. Nineteen (76%) HCPs reported recommending child contact screening. Only 8 (32%) reported ever prescribing IPT. Lack of TB screening and IPT provision for child contacts was associated with inadequate HCP counseling (aOR 19.5, P < 0.001), a non-parent index case (aOR 3.72, P = 0.008) and lack of postgraduate HCP qualification (aOR 19.12, P = 0.04).
TB screening and IPT provision for child contacts of adults with TB were infrequent. Many screened children had active TB. Universal, timely TB screening and IPT for exposed children are urgently needed to reduce pediatric TB in India.