Clinical Case Discussions and Video Conference Archive

Hosted by Dr. Matt Robinson, Global Grand Rounds in Infectious Diseases (GGRID) assists health providers in caring for persons with infectious diseases (ID), using case-based instruction to provide accessible, evidence-based, and easy to use information. GGRID takes advantage of experts in global health and infectious diseases to present updated information. All case presentations in this program have been standardized and quality assured in selection, presentation and discussion. Our goal is to publish and build a library of cases within this program to maximize the professional development of our presenters and the infectious disease knowledge of our learners.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2024-9-25)

Dr. Matthew Robinson
A 32-year-old man presents with fever, cough, and bloody stool.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2024-8-28)

Dr. Ajay M.Gupta (JR-3)
27 year old male R/o Pune, works in food industry K/C/O PLHIV since 2019 ,non-compliant to ART since 3 years

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2024-5-22)

Dr Rigveda R. Burungale
• 33 year old female, resident of Pune. • Presented with whitish intermittent pus discharge, from a scar beneath the umbilicus, ongoing since 10 months. • H/O Tubectomy 1 year back.• No history of fever, weight loss, anorexia.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2024-4-24)

Dr. Divya D. Dhumal
A 23-year-old male patient from Western Maharashtra presented to our hospital with following chief complaints:

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2024-3-27)

Dr Anuja Ardhapure
A 45yr old male presented with headache for 3 weeks; seizures, fever and vomiting for last 3 days.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2023-11-22)

Dr. Shubham Jagtap
A 65 years male was presented with chief complains of fever for 10 days, breathlessness for 8 days, generalized weakness and fatigue for 8 days, and once high colored urine 4 days back.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2023-9-27)

Dr. Yash Bhimani
60 years old male, resident of Pune Known case of alcoholic liver cirrhosis since 10yrs Admitted multiple times for jaundice, abdominal distension and upper GI bleed and undergone esophageal variceal ligation three times before. He was having Hepatitis C (HCV) positive status since 6 years for which he was not evaluated and treated before.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2023-8-23)

53/M, CKD on MHD via right tunnelled catheter for 2 years presented to us with h/o fever for 1 month, fever was high grade, associated with chills and rigors, and used to occur generally post haemodialysis, no history to suggest septic emboli.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2023-6-28)

Dr. Sindhuri Goud Nimmala (JRII)
54-year-old male, chef by occupation came with chief complaints of fever low grade, intermittent, relieved with medication since 5-6 days with body ache and headache.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2023-2-22)

Dr. Matthew Robinson
A 40-year-old otherwise health man,. Cough started 3 weeks ago. Mild back pain starting 2 weeks ago.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2023-1-25)

Dr. Vikram Hatekar
20 Yr old male was admitted in chest ward for pulmonary tuberculosis since 6 days & was referred to medicine on the 6th day of admission for altered sensorium.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2022-9-23)

Dr. Namrata S Desai
A 28 year married female, resident of Karad, Maharashtra underwent caesarean section (LSCS) at 8:30am and presented in the immediate postoperative period with complaints of sudden onset....

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2022-3-23)

Dr. T. Shraddha
A 29 year unmarried female, presented with complains of - - New onset headache : 1 month - Vomiting: 1 week

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2022-2-23)

Suraj Kannan, M3
65-year-old man with history of coronary artery disease and splenectomy from remote trauma presents with 12 days of worsening diarrhea, fevers, weakness, fatigue, and altered mental status.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-10-27)

Dr. Shubham Gaikwad
25 year old female, home maker, resident of Hadapsar, Pune. Presenting complaints: Abdominal distension and bilateral lower limb swelling-2 months. Breathlessness on exertion -1 and half month. Yellowish discoloration of eyes – 1 month\Altered sensorium – 4-5 days No h/o...

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-09-22)

Dr Prakyath Shetty
A 55 years, female, from rural Maharashtra, was brought by relatives with c/o Fever since 3 months Bilateral lower limb weakness since 1 month Swelling of the cheek since 1 month

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-08-25)

Dr. Nikhilesh Rayannavar
A 30 year old male, manual labourer by occupation presented with complaints of tingling sensation of limbs since 4 days and weakness of limbs since 2 days.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-07-28)

Dr. Diana Zhong and Dr. Matthew Robinson
43-year-old man with abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-06-23)

Dr. Jona Manohar
53 year old male, presents with fever, maculopapular rash for last 7 days, myalgia, oral ulceration and diarrhoea for 3 days.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-06-10) - SPECIAL SESSION

Dr. Aditi Jhunjhunwala and Dr. Alka Tripathi
Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-06-10) - SPECIAL SESSION Topic: Clinical Presentation and Management of Post-COVID-19 Mucormycosis Case Presentation ( click here ) Presentation PDF ( click here ) COVID-19 Mucormycosis Treatment Algorithm PDF ( click here...

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-05-27) - SPECIAL SESSION

This Special Session offers two presentations TOPIC 1. COVID-19-ASSOCIATED MUCORMYCOSIS IN INDIA Presented by: Dr. Dhaval Dave, DY Patil Hospital, Pune View Slides View Suggested References Discussants Dr. Bob Bollinger,...

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2021-01-27)

Dr. Sonya Krishnan
Patient is a 56-year-old male with a PMHx type 2 diabetes who presents with 4 days of progressive headache, sore throat, rhinorrhea and myalgias.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2020-11-25)

Dr. Pranav Patwardhan
55 year old male patient presented to the OPD with complaints of fever with chills, and malaise (since 1 week), loose stools 5 days back (symptom free since 3 days), Cough with expectoration (scanty, white) since 2 days), associated with shortness of breath on walking leveled ground since 2 days.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2020-07-28)

Dr. Dharshan P
A 49 years, male, from real Maharashtra, farmer by occupation presented with dry cough, progressive breathlessness since last 1 month. No h/o fever, chest pain. No h/o palpitation, hemoptysis. No h/o loose stools, chronic abdominal pain.

Global Grand Rounds in ID (2020-4-22) - Part 1

Dr. Dasaradha Ram Barla
62 year old female patient presented with complaints of Fever, painless swelling of right thumb, painless swelling on the right side of neck with yellowish white discharge, multiple ulcerative lesions on the limbs for 8 days.


Hosted by Dr. Maunank Shah, this case-based webcast brings together clinicians caring for patients with active tuberculosis to discuss diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Participants include clinical TB experts from the Johns Hopkins University Division of Infectious Diseases, University of California—Los Angeles and LA County TB program, Harvard University-Beth Israel, and local and regional health departments.

TB Case Discussion (2020-12-09)

Dr. Ruvandhi Nathavitharana and Dr. Caitlin Reed
30year old male from Uganda (US for 1 year) with no PMH), presents with fevers and headache, confusion, ataxia, and dry cough. Temp 38.5, normotensive, 96%RA. CSF: Opening pressure: 26; WBC 80 (84%L) glucose 22, protein 302

TB Case Discussion (2019-11-13)

Dr. Caitlin Reed and Dr. Maunank Shah
62 year old Chinese man with history of LTBI who presented to PCP in August 2019 with fatigue x 1 month; Found to be pancytopenic -> diagnosed with AML.

TB Case Discussion (2019-09-25)

71 year old Haitian woman with recent admissions: CABG with post-op sternal pseudomonal osteomyelitis; Recent diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis (azathioprine/budesonide); No prior TB symptoms.

TB Case Discussion (2019-07-10)

Dr. Maunank Shah
35 y/o from El Salvador with PMH: Diabetes, complicated by CKD Stage IV (Cr 2.6), Peripartum dilated cardiomyopathy (EF 30-35%)...

TB Case Discussion (2018-04-11): Case 2

Dr. Kelly Russo
47 y/o male from Eritrea, came to US in 2009 from an Ethiopian refugee camp. No past medical history, HIV negative, no medications.

TB Case Discussion (2018-04-11): Case 1

Dr. Ruvandhi Nathavitharana
70 year old female from Vietnam presenting in October with 3-4 week history of epigastric pain, fever, sweats, nausea, and weight loss

TB Case Discussion (2017-09-06)

Drs. Maunank Shah and Ruvandhi Nathavitharana
Case Review: 62 yo, previously healthy male from Cape Verde; presented to PCP in Dec 2015; abscesses on chest, back & axilla.

TB Case Discussion (2017-08-02)

Dr. Caitlin Reed
Clinicians face management dilema with 30yo Ugandan male in US x 1yr who presents with dry cough, weakness, weight loss and fever

TB Case Discussion (2017-05-17)

Dr. Maunank Shah
Clinicians faced diagnostic challenges when a 60 year-old man presented with fever and respiratory distress with hypoxia.

TB Case Discussion (2017-03-22)

Dr. Maunank Shah
58 year-old traveler from Philippines arrived 3 weeks prior to presentation; 2-3 weeks of productive cough

TB Case Discussion (2016-09-07)

Dr. Maunank Shah
56 y/o Filipino male presents w/3 day hx of hemoptysis and 10lb wt loss over 1 yr. CT chect shows scarring w/ traction bronchiectasis in Bilat UL, groundglass opacties in RUL, BLL. HIV-negative

TB Case Discussion (2015-11-25)

Maunank Shah, MD PhD
22 year old woman from Zambia: Living in the US since 2011 and going to school, lives with sister and bofriend, all from Zambia, interns 20-30 hours a week at an accounting firm.

TB Case Discussion (2015-06-17)

Dr. Ruvandhi Nathavitharana
58 y/o female from the Philippines with new diagnosis of cervical cancer, referred to ID clinic early April 2015 due to pulmonary nodules discovered on PET CT.

TB Case Discussion (2015-04-15)

Dr. Caitlin Reed
57 yo homeless US born M presented to OSH with weakness, productive cough, dyspnea x 1 wk on 2/17/15. CXR: mod large R pleural effusion with consolidation.

TB Case Discussion (2015-01-21) - Case 2

Dr. Michelle Haas
50 year old woman, PMH of diabetes, HbA1c of 12.6 who presented to her PCP with 2 months of cough on 8/12/14. ROS: fatigue. PMH: known prior +TST, seen in TB clinic 14 years prior, LTBI treatment not recommended (age <35 years and in the US >5 years at that time).

TB Case Discussion (2014-12-10) - Case 2

Dr. Caitlin Reed
60 yo M, Mexican immigrant, with PMHx gout, hypothyroidism, BPH, OA. Presented with easy bruising, petechiae, gingival bleed. No constitutional sx. Meds: Terazosin, Allopurinol, Levothyroxine, Tramadol.

TB Case Discussion (2014-12-10) - Case 1

Dr. Caitlin Reed
80 yo F presenting to ED with worsening SOB x few months. Exercise tolerance decreased from 150 to 50 ft in last week. Dry cough. No fevers, chills, NS, wt loss, hemoptysis.

TB Case Discussion (2014-11-12)

Dr. Maunank Shah
37 y/o man from Honduras presented to outside hospital with hemoptysis. Chest Xray showed bilateral infiltrates. AFB smear-positive (3+). GeneXpert Positive (Rif sensitive).

TB Case Discussion (2014-09-24) - Case 2

Dr. Maunank Shah
79 y/o presents with Afib with RVR. Echo reveals EF 54% with mod pericardial effusion. Normal BP and converts with amiodarone.

TB Case Discussion (2014-09-24) - Case 1

Dr. Maunank Shah
69 y/o M from Indonesia in US for 2 years. CC: Fevers and Cough.

TB Case Discussion (2014-08-27)

Dr. Teeb Al-Samarrai
34 year-ld Indian woman with history of smear and culture negative TB treatment in India and US 2006-2007. Subsequent progressive respiratory decline secondary to presumed interstitial lung disease. Now s/p lung transpant in June 2014.

TB Case Discussion (2014-06-25)

Dr. Maunank Shah
If you missed our most recent TB Case Discussion, you can view it on-demand HERE . Click "Read More..." for a complete list of archived cases.

TB Case Discussion (2014-05-28)

Dr. Caitlin Reed
No PMHx, presents with L draining ear x two wks, not improving with Amoxicillin, 3 days increasing SOB. Hear the discussion and more!

TB Case Discussion (2014-05-07)

Maunank Shah, MD and Caitlin Reed, MD
43 y/o with SLE on low dose steroids/plaquenil, treated for TB in Peru in 2000, received 'pulmonary M. fortuitum' tx in 2012, presented 1/2014 cough and "pneumonia" on CXR.

TB Case Discussion (2014-03-05)

38 yo M, Armenian ethnicity, started on Remicade in July 2013 for tx of Ankylosing Spondylitis. received RIF and subsequently INH for tx of LTBI (+TST, CXR with old granulomatous dz) starting July 2013.


Hosted by Dr. Natasha Chida, this is a case-based discussion series among and for clinicians caring for patients with HIV/AIDS. Participants in this series include the Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College; National AIDS Research Institute; DY Patil Medical College, Hospital, and Research Center; and and Krishna Medical College.

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-10-20) Case 2

Dr. Nitish Singh
37yr/female. K/c/o HIV-1 reactive since 4 months (Dec 2015). Came to SGH in April 2016 with c/o 1) diminished vision in both the eyes since 1 month 2) involuntary movements of right hand since 1 month.

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-10-20) Case 1

Dr. Mitty George
A 32yr old female, resident of Shirur, Pune. k/c/o PLHIV since 2 year on ART. Presented with c/o. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, malaise, decrease in appetite for 1 month.

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-08-18) Case 2

Dr. Saurabh Gandhi
19 year old lady presented to our OPD with the history of - - weakness of B/L lower limbs i.e. she had difficulty in getting up from squatting position and climbing upstairs associated with muscle cramps since last 6 months

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-08-18) Case 1

Dr. Aken Desai
35 y/o female, recently diagnosed with HIV, presented with: Fever—intermittent, fluctuating between 101-103o F, associated with chills for 2 weeks; dry cough for 2 weeks

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-07-21) Case 1

Dr. Piyush Prajapati, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences
A 35 y/o female presents with headache and giddiness for 13-15 days; vomiting, decreased appetite and generalized weakness for 10 days; detected HIV positive 10 days prior. A case of CNS Toxoplasmosis.

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-05-19)

Dr. Shraddha Bapat
This month's case discussion features a 42 year old female who presented March 3, 2016, with complaints of a dry cough persisting for 3-4 weeks

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-03-17) - Case 2

Dr. Jagdale Nilesh
A 65 year female, admitted with the complaints of: - Reduced appetite since 1 month - Pain in abdomen since 15 days - Vomiting 3-4 episodes since 15 days - Giddiness since 15 days N/H/O - Haematemesis, Faver, Headache, Diplopia, Ear discharge

India HIV Case Discussion (2016-03-17) - Case 1

Dr. Amit Kothari
51 year old female, housewife by occupation came with c/o: - Difficulty in walking with swaying to either side which increased during night since 2 months - History of slipping of footwear without knowledge since 2 months - Pain in Abdomen, diffuse but more in epigastrium...

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-12-17) - Case 2

Dr. Abhishek Bansal
A 40 year-old-man with a history of untreated HIV and a last known CD4 count of 112 presents to a hospital in India with 10 days of weakness in the upper and lower extremities, ataxia, and a new rash over his left lower extremity and face.

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-12-17) - Case 1

Dr. Jagdale Nilesh
A 39-year-old man with a past medical history of HIV on ART (last CD4 count of 230) and pulmonary TB/TB meningitis diagnosed 2 months prior...

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-10-15) - Case 1

Dr. Rajkumar Gaikwad
38 year old female patient admitted on 15/9/15 came with fever on-off since 15 days, multiple painful lesions all over body since 15 days, slurring of speech since 2-3 days, 1 episode of convulsion on day of admission.

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-10-15) - Case 2

Dr. Vivek Singh Rathore
32 year old male, driver by occupation, presented with complaints of: Swallowing difficulty, both for solids & liquids since 2 months, weakness in Rt. Upper & Lower limb with difficulty in lifting & holding objects with right hand - 15 days, difficulty in walking - 15 days.

India HIV Clinical Case Conference (2015-07-15) - Case 1

Dr. Natasha Chida
A 24 year old woman with newly diagnosed HIV and no prior past medical history presents to the emergency department with 2 weeks of a dry cough and 1 week of fevers up to 39 degrees Celsius.

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-06-17) - Case 1

Dr. Hamza Dalal
HIV-infected Indian man with CD4 account 423 and undetectable plasma viral load on HAART, who presents with neurological symptoms and a CNS HIV viral load of >1 million copies/ml.

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-06-17) - Case 2

Dr. Shrikant Hegade
36 y/o HIV seropositive male with pulmonary koch and CNS tuberculomas admits with c/o abdominal pain, swelling of both LL, fever, decreased urine output, scrotal swelling and pain. H/o night sweats and weight loss. Baseline CD4= 175. MRI brain s/o lesion in Lt. occipital region.

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-05-20)

Dr. Yogesh Daware
24 years old married female, contractual manual laborer, migrant from Karnataka state, staying in Pune since 5 years, PLHIV...

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-04-15)

Dr. Prashant Bhattad
36 yo male is diagnosed w/ pyogenic meningitis and started on treatment after presenting w/fever, chills, disorientation and rt lower limb weakness.

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-03-18) - Case 2

Dr. Anurag Aggarwal, J.R. II
A 38 year old housewife, detected HIV+ve, had complaints of 1) Weakness in left side of the body 6 years; 2) Burning sensation in both the palms and soles 6 years

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-03-18) - Case 1

Dr. Akshay Dhamme
65/F presented for complaints of double vision since 10days, more on looking left. Frontal Headache since 10 days, throbbin type. History of fever, low grade since 10 days.

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-02-18) - Case 1

Dr. Rahul Mahajan, J.R. III
15 yr old female K\C\O PLHIV since 10 yrs on ART since last 2 yrs. C/O 1) Focal continuous convulsions involving face and left UL and left LL since 3 day

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-02-18) - Case 2

Dr. Rohan Badave JR-III
- 57 yrs Male - Brought by relative with c/o -Loose motions: since 10 days 7-8 episodes/day, watery, non foul smelling, not continining mucus or blood. - Breathlessness: since 15 days, increasing progressively from NYHA Gr. 1- Gr. III

India HIV Clinical Case Discussion (2015-01-21)

44 yr old male HIV reactive - 12 yrs recently started on ART. Regimen - ZLN. Baseline CD4- 211 cells/cumm. Admitted to hospital with c/o- jerky involuntary movements- Lt UL, Rt LL limb, blurring vision in both eyes.