Kelly Dooley, MD

Dr. Dooley is an Associate Professor of Medicine, Pharmacology, and Molecular Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, with appointments in the Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Infectious Diseases. She is also a faculty member at the Center for Clinical Global Health Education.
Dr. Dooley has an HIV outpatient practice and attends on the inpatient HIV service. Her research focuses on tuberculosis therapeutics with an emphasis on Phase I or II clinical trials of new or existing TB drugs and treatment of HIV/TB co-infection. She is Principal Investigator or Protocol Chair for several clinical trials involving TB drugs for drug-sensitive TB or drug-resistant TB and involved in the scientific committees of the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium, AIDS Clinical Trials Group, and IMPAACT networks. She has a special interest in optimizing TB drugs for special populations, including children and pregnant women.>
Dr. Dooley received her MD from Duke University, and completed residency training in internal medicine and an infectious diseases fellowship at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She is board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases.