Rahul Rajkumar, MD
Pune, India
Dr. Rahul Rajkumar visited BJGMC from January 9, 2018 to January 20, 2018, where he provided targeted lab support on a CDC ShePHERD protocol, "Healthcare-Associated Sepsis in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Pune, India."
Dr. Rajkumar is a Johns Hopkins Master of Public Health (MPH) student with a medical degree. Dr. Rajkumar is mentored by Dr. Yuka Manabe, and worked under Derek Armstrong, a Johns Hopkins microbiologist who collaborates closely with BJGMC on lab strengthening activities. Whiel on site, Dr. Rajkumar supported Derek Armstrong in conducting quality checks of specific laboratory procedures related to the CDC ShePHERD protocol.
Faculty Mentor(s):