Vidya Mave, MD, MPH

Pune, India
Associate Professor
Vidya Mave

Dr. Mave is Co-Director of the Center for Infectious Diseases in India and Associate Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She is also Director and Clinical Research Site (CRS) Leader of the Johns Hopkins University Baltimore-India Clinical Trials Unit (JHUBI-CTU) in Pune, India. The CTU is a collaborative research partnership between BJGMC in Pune, India and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine that is part of the world’s largest HIV therapeutic trial networks (the AIDS Clinical Trials Group [ACTG] and the International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trial Network [IMPAACT]). 

Dr. Mave has more than 20 years of experience in clinical practice, education, and research in infectious diseases and has published more than 100 peer-reviewed research articles. Following a short tenure as Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases at Tulane University School of Medicine, Dr. Mave joined the Johns Hopkins in 2010. She now leads and coordinates all clinical research activities for the JHUBI-CTU, which conducts phase I, II, and III clinical trials of therapeutic drug interventions for HIV and co-morbid infections, including TB and hepatitis, in adults (including pregnant women) and children. Dr. Mave’s research interests include TB clinical trials (of vaccines and new and re-purposed drugs) to optimize treatment outcomes; comorbidities (including diabetes, HIV), and the use of novel tools (Hair PK, whole genome sequencing, host biomarkers) to study TB treatment outcomes; and assessing best implementation strategies in programmatic settings. In addition, Dr. Mave has mentored more than 20 pre- and postdoctoral trainees from Johns Hopkins. 

Dr. Mave received an MD in medicine from Karnatak University, Dharwad, India, and an MPH from Tulane University. She completed her internal medicine training at St. Barnabas Hospital in New York, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship in infectious diseases at Tulane University and Long Island Jewish Medical Center. Dr. Mave is board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases by the American Board of Internal Medicine. 


  • Protocol Chair, A 5384: A Phase II, Randomized, Open-Label Trial of a Six-Month Regimen of High-Dose Rifampicin, High-Dose Isoniazid, Linezolid, and Pyrazinamide versus a Standard Nine-Month Regimen for the Treatment of Adults and Adolescents with Tuberculous Meningitis: Improved Management with Antimicrobial AGents Isoniazid rifampiciN LinEzolid for TBM (IMAGINE-TBM) 

  • Co-Vice Chair, ACTG Tuberculosis Transformative Science Group 

  • Protocol Vice Chair, A5397/HVTN 603: A Phase 2A/2B Study Evaluating Safety and Immunogenicity of Therapeutic ID93 + GLA-SE Vaccination in Participants with Rifampicin-susceptible Pulmonary TB. 

1 to 3 HP

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Protocol Title: A Randomized Trial Comparing Treatment Completion of Daily Rifapentine & Isoniazid for One Month (1HP) to Weekly Rifapentine & Isoniazid For 3 Months (3HP) In Persons Living With HIV and in HIV-negative Household Contacts of Recently Diagnosed Tuberculosis Patients, The “One...

Assessing prevalence and risk of lung morbidities including lung nodules and cancer using non contrast CT among PLHIV in Pune, India

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Clinical Sites: 
Primary objective Determine the prevalence of pulmonary nodules, including lung cancer using NCCT. Determine the risk of pulmonary nodules, including lung cancer using NCCT. Evaluate the association of smoking, immune suppression, ART, and TB with the prevalence and risk of NCCT-diagnosed pulmonary...


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Under the directives of PEPFAR, with support from USAID, and in collaboration with NACO, the ACCELERATE program provides HIV/AIDS services for high-risk populations including key populations affected by HIV throughout India and technical assistance (TA) to the national, state, and district...

Mitr Clinic - Pride and Beyond

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USAID and PEPFAR supported Program ACCELERATE, implemented by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHU SOM) in partnership with YRG Care, The Fenway Institute and the Blue Lotus Advisory under the leadership of National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and State AIDS Control Societies (SACS...

Kidaba Thawai (Fearless Souls) Documentary

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The documentary Kidaba Thawai is based on ACCELERATE's intervention - an Adolescent Friendly Health Center (AFHC) in Imphal, Manipur. The documentary discusses AFHC's comprehensive health care delivery model (HIV and non-HIV services) which contributes to the holistic development of adolescents. A...

A multicenter Phase II/ III double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of VPM1002 in the prevention of tuberculosis (TB) recurrence in pulmonary TB patients after successful TB treatment in India.

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Clinical Sites: 
To evaluate the efficacy of VPM1002 in prevention of TB recurrence in former pulmonary TB patients who have successfully completed ATT and were declared cured. Secondary Objective To evaluate the safety of VPM1002 in former TB patients who have successfully completed ATT and were declared as cured...

The Regional Prospective Observational Research In Tuberculosis (Report) India Phase II Common Protocol

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Clinical Sites: 
Purpose and Scientific Aims The purpose of the RePORT India Phase II Common Protocol is to collect and utilize data and specimens for tuberculosis (TB) research, leveraging the existing infrastructure, processes, and scientific partnerships established under RePORT India consortium. The RePORT...

Dynamics and immune mechanisms of QFT response in close contacts of TB cases

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Clinical Sites: 
Rationale: A vaccine that prevents infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) (POI vaccine) is an ideal approach to TB control. As Mtb infection (MTBI) is measured indirectly (positive tuberculin skin test (TST) or interferon gamma release assay (IGRA), prevention of IGRA conversion is the...

A Nanopore Biosensor for Leveling MTB Antigens in Blood

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Clinical Sites: 
Purpose of the study: The inability to obtain diagnostically useful sputum specimens, or the inability to analyze non-sputum specimens, is a significant contributor to poor diagnostic sensitivity of current TB assays, leading to the WHO to call for the development of non-sputum-based biomarker or...

Pharmacokinetic Assessment of MDR-TB Drugs in the Treatment of TB Meningitis

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Clinical Sites: 
Rationale: MDR-TBM is a devastating disease with high mortality and severe neurologic sequelae among survivors. We recognize the importance of sufficient drug concentrations at the site of infection for efficacy of anti-TB drugs and believe it is likely that drug distribution into brain and CSF...

Identification of Biomarkers That Can Predict Progression from Latent Tuberculosis Infection to Active Tuberculosis Disease

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Clinical Sites: 
Purpose: The C-TRIUMPH study has identified 20 household contacts (HHC), who have progressed to active TB from its HHCs cohort (Cohort B). Immunological profiling of TB antigen induced biosignatures, profiling of transcriptional and proteomic biosignatures should provide novel insights into the...

Epidemiology and Clinical Outcomes of COVID-19 in India (ECO-19)

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Clinical Sites: 
This study was terminated May 25, 2021 This is a prospective cohort study of adults with suspected COVID-19 to address key knowledge gaps in the epidemiology of disease severity and poor clinical outcomes in India. Results from this study may help clinicians in India focus limited health resources...

Tuberculosis (TB) Aftermath

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Clinical Sites: 
Drs. Vidya Mave and Jonathan Golub are co-PIs and Dr. Barthwal from DY Patil Medical College is local site PI for this study. TB Aftermath seeks to provide evidence for an effective and scalable strategy targeting HHs of treated TB cases, a high priority of the NTEP. Purpose To compare the...

Mental Health Outcomes among Health Care Professionals Involved in the Treatment and Care of COVID 19 Patients in India

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Clinical Sites: 
Drs. Nikhil Gupta and Nishi Suryavanshi are leading this survey project. This study is investigating the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health outcomes and overall quality of life and what are the factors associated with it among Indian Health care workers. Among health care...

Prevalence of Risk Factors for Lung Cancer and Facilitators and Barriers for Tobacco Cessation among People Living with HIV

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Clinical Sites: 
India has the world’s third largest HIV epidemic, with 2.1 million people currently living with HIV and an additional 90,000 new infections each year.[29] At the same time, expansion of the HIV response under India’s premier governmental agency - the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), has...

The Sentinel Research Network of IeDEA: A Prospective Cohort among People Living with HIV

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Clinical Sites: 
This study is nested within the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database initiative. The global scale up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has significantly improved the immune recovery and life expectancy of people living with HIV (PLHIV). However, PLHIV on long-term ART now face health challenges...

Hybrid Trial for Alcohol Reduction among People with TB and HIV in India

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Clinical Sites: 
Dr. Geetanjali Chander is PI and Dr. Kakrani is local site PI at DY Patil Medical College for this study. The highest incidence of tuberculosis disease (TB) in the world is in India, accounting for 27% of all new cases globally, with approximately 86,000 among persons with HIV (PWH). Unhealthy...

Pregnancy Associated Immune Responses to Tuberculosis and HIV in India and South Africa (PARTHISA)

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Clinical Sites: 
Dr. Jyoti Mathad is Co-PI of this study. Purpose: Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of maternal mortality, especially among HIV-infected women. Women are most likely to develop active TB during and immediately after pregnancy. The immunologic conditions responsible for this phenomenon are not...

Increasing Market and Public Health Outcomes Through Scaling Up Affordable Access Models of Short Course Preventive Therapy for TB (IMPAACT4TB)

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Clinical Sites: 
Primary Objective: This study is being conducted in Brazil, Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. The overall goal is to reduce TB incidence among (1) people living with HIV who are on antiretroviral therapy, and...

Markers of Lung Impairment in HIV-TB Coinfected Indian Adults

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Clinical Sites: 
Objectives/Aims We will compare the degree of lung impairment between HIV-TB co-infected adults (HIV-TB group) and TB cases without HIV co-infection (TB group) who successfully complete TB therapy. We hypothesize that the HIV-TB group will have a greater degree of lung...


Challenges with the use of Xpert HPV as a screening tool for oral HPV among people living with HIV (PLHIV): experiences from Pune, India

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Clinical Sites: 
BMC Infectious Diseases
Background: People living with HIV (PLHIV) are at higher risk for human papillomavirus (HPV)-related oropharyngeal cancers compared to the general population. Xpert HPV test is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay capable of rapid HPV detection. Performing the assay requires minimal intervention...

Operational challenges undermine the WHO TB symptom screen in pregnant women in India

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Clinical Sites: 
Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Background. Pregnancy increases both a woman's risk of developing tuberculosis (TB) and her likelihood to seek health care. A symptom screen that is effective during pregnancy would therefore be valuable. We assessed a World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended TB symptom screen in an antenatal...

Inflammatory profile associated with insulin resistance in non-overweight versus overweight people living with HIV (PLWH)

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Clinical Sites: 
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome
Background People living with HIV have greater diabetes (T2DM) than the general population despite lower prevalence of overweight/obesity. Both insulin resistance (IR), a T2DM precursor, and HIV are independently associated with chronic inflammation. Inflammation may be a pathophysiological link...

Sex Differences in TB Clinical Presentation, Drug Exposure, and Treatment Outcomes in India

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Background: The role of sex differences in clinical presentation, TB drug pharmacokinetic variables, and treatment outcomes is unclear. Research question: What is the effect of sex on TB disease severity, drug exposure, and treatment outcome? Study design and methods: This study was a prospective...

Characterising cause of death among people treated for drug-susceptible TB in India

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The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Annually, 1.5 million people die of TB.1 India has thehighest burden of TB,1 and in 2020, the case fatality ratio (CFR) among people with drug-susceptible TB was 4.3%.2 Even after treatment, mortality is more than two-fold higher among people with prior TB compared to the general population.3...

The Kynurenine / Tryptophan Ratio is a Sensitive Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Pediatric Tuberculosis among Indian Children

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Frontiers in Immunology
Objectives: Pediatric tuberculosis (TB) remains difficult to diagnose. The plasma kynurenine to tryptophan ratio (K/T ratio) is a potential biomarker for TB diagnosis and treatment response but has not been assessed in children. Methods: We performed a targeted diagnostic accuracy analysis of four...

Virological Failure among People living with HIV Receiving Second-Line Antiretroviral Therapy in Pune, India

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Clinical Sites: 
BMC Infectious Diseases
Background The number of people receiving second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) has increased as global access to ART has expanded. Data on the burden and factors associated with second-line ART virologic failure (VF) from India remain limited. Methods We conducted cross-sectional viral load (VL...

Metabolites enhance innate resistance to human Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

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JCI Insight
To determine the mechanisms that mediate resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) infection in household contacts (HHCs) of patients with tuberculosis (TB), we followed 452 latent TB infection-negative (LTBI-) HHCs for 2 years. Those who remained LTBI- throughout the study were...

Developing TB Vaccines for People with HIV: A Roadmap: Meeting Consensus Report

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Lancet HIV
New tuberculosis vaccine candidates that are in the development pipeline need to be studied in people with HIV, who are at high risk of acquiring Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and tuberculosis disease and tend to develop less robust vaccine-induced immune responses. To address the gaps in...

Randomized Clinical Trial of High Dose Rifampicin with or without Levofloxacin versus Standard of Care for Paediatric Tuberculous Meningitis: The TBM-KIDS Trial

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Clinical Infectious Diseases
Background Pediatric tuberculous meningitis (TBM) commonly causes death or disability. In adults, high-dose rifampicin may reduce mortality. The role of fluoroquinolones remains unclear. There have been no antimicrobial treatment trials for pediatric TBM. Methods TBM-KIDS was a phase 2 open-label...

Whole Genome Sequencing Assessing Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Tuberculosis Mutations and Type of Recurrence in India

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Clinical Infectious Diseases
Dr. Vidya Mave and colleagues concluded considerable intrahost mycobacterium tuberculosis mutation rates were present at recurrence among patients with diabetes mellitus.

Clinical and Immunological Markers of Pulmonary Impairment Among People With HIV in India

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Open Form Infectious Diseases
Dr. Akshay Gupte and team found females were 7 times more likely to have restrictive spirometry pattern and 22 times more likely to have preserved ratio impaired spirometry, compared with men.

Geographical Differences in the Self-Reported Functional Impairment of People with HIV and Associations with Cardiometabolic Risk

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Clinical Infectious Disease
Background We sought to explore multinational differences in functional status by global burden of disease (GBD) regions in the REPRIEVE cohort. Methods REPRIEVE is a prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter, phase III primary cardiovascular prevention study of...

Concomitant pulmonary disease is common among patients with extrapulmonary TB

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Clinical Sites: 
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Dr. Shivakumar and his group discovered that a high proportion of patients classified as EPTB in India have concomitant PTB. Their results support the need for improved symptom and CXR screening, and recommends routine sputum TB microbiology screening of all Indian patients with EPTB.

Development of shortened HIV-related stigma scales for young people living with HIV and young people affected by HIV in India

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Clinical Sites: 
BMC Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Background: HIV-related stigma is associated with poor quality of life and poor healthcare-seeking behaviours in young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and young people affected by HIV (YPAHIV). India has an estimated 120,000 YPLHIV and 4 million YPAHIV, but efforts to measure HIV-related stigma in...

Comparative immune responses to M. tuberculosis in individuals with latent infection or sterile protection against infection

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Clinical Sites: 
Summary To identify immunologic targets for tuberculosis vaccines more efficacious than BCG, we investigated the immune responses that differentiate individuals with sterile protection against M. tuberculosis (Mtb) infection (TB-resisters) from those who develop latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI-...

Smokeless tobacco use and oral potentially malignant disorders among people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Pune, India: Implications for oral cancer screening in PLHIV

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Clinical Sites: 
Introduction In India, smokeless tobacco (SLT) is a predominant form of tobacco used among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Despite SLT being a risk factor for oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs), no prior studies have quantified the association of OPMDs with SLT use among PLHIV. This...

Isoniazid adherence improves survival and incident tuberculosis at 96 weeks among adults initiating antiretroviral therapy with advanced HIV in multiple high burden settings

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Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Background People with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and advanced immunosuppression initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) remain vulnerable to tuberculosis (TB) and early mortality. To improve early survival, isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) or empiric TB treatment have been evaluated;...

Inflammatory profile associated with insulin resistance in non-overweight versus overweight people living with HIV in Pune, Western India

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Clinical Sites: 
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews
Background: People living with HIV have greater diabetes (T2DM) than the general population despite lower prevalence of overweight/obesity. Both insulin resistance (IR), a T2DM precursor, and HIV are independently associated with chronic inflammation. Inflammation may be a pathophysiological link...

Clinical and Immunological Markers of Pulmonary Impairment among People with HIV(PWH) in India

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Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Background Despite anti-retroviral therapy, chronic lung diseases remain an important source of morbidity and mortality in people with HIV (PWH). We sought to identify clinical and immunological markers of pulmonary impairment among PWH in India. Methods 210 adult PWH receiving antiretroviral...


Prarthana Vasudevan

Baltimore, Maryland
Prar Vasudevan is an international health graduate student at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. In Autumn 2015, she conducted a field placement in Pune, India, at BJGMC under Dr. Vidya Mave, where she worked on the study titled Maternal Inflammation, Diet and Gut Microbiome in HIV: Impact on Infant Outcomes. She is a 2015 recipient of the Global Health Established Field Placement Grant. From Prar Vasudevan's Field Report: At BJMC, I had the opportunity to make rounds in the hospital’s ART Clinic, Labor & Delivery wards, and children’s wards. I was immediately struck by the fact...

Yasmin Ogale

Yasmin Ogale received her MPH from Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2015. From September to December 2014, she conducted a field study in Pune, India, under the guidance of Dr. Jonathan Golub, on indoor air pollution and tuberculosis. Ms. Ogale is a 2014 recipent of the Global Health Established Field Placement Grant.

Jeff Tornheim, MD, MPH

Infectious Disease Fellow
Baltimore, Maryland
Jeff Tornheim, MD, MPH, is a clinical fellow in the Division of Infectious Disease here at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. After completing undergraduate studies in International Development and Economics at Brandeis University he moved to East Africa where he engaged in health system strengthening for returning refugees to South Sudan and worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the epidemiology of pneumonia and diarrhea in Western Kenya. He completed a joint MD/MPH at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, with his thesis evaluating the impact of water...

Erica Orsini, MD

Pune, India
From January 3, 2018 to February 26, 2018, Dr. Orsini worked under Drs. Vidya Mave and Amita Gupta to observe clinical rounds and provide support to the BJGMC Clinical Research Site. She also supported provides the CTRIUMPh substudy entitled “Residual Respiratory Impairment Following Pulmonary TB” and the study entitled “Antimicrobial Use and Diagnosis among Hospitalized Febrile Patients.”

Rahul Rajkumar, MD

Pune, India
Dr. Rahul Rajkumar visited BJGMC from January 9, 2018 to January 20, 2018, where he provided targeted lab support on a CDC ShePHERD protocol, "Healthcare-Associated Sepsis in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Pune, India." Dr. Rajkumar is a Johns Hopkins Master of Public Health (MPH) student with a medical degree. Dr. Rajkumar is mentored by Dr. Yuka Manabe, and worked under Derek Armstrong, a Johns Hopkins microbiologist who collaborates closely with BJGMC on lab strengthening activities. Whiel on site, Dr. Rajkumar supported Derek Armstrong in conducting quality...

Jessica Elf, MPH, PhD

Post Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Jessica Elf was a post doctoral fellow in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Her primary research focus was on the epidemiology and health impacts of tobacco use and exposure to indoor air pollution from the combustion of biomass fuels. She is a former Fogarty Fellow who lived and worked in Pune, India conducting research for her thesis project, which investigated the association between indoor air pollution and tuberculosis. She completed her undergraduate education in nutrition at the University of Florida and received an MPH and...

Matt Robinson, MD

Research Fellow
Baltimore, Maryland
Matthew Robinson, MD, is a research fellow in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His research focuses on the diagnosis of acute febrile illness and its implication on antimicrobial stewardship and resistance in tropical low- and middle-income countries. Matt is working with Dr. Gupta, Dr. Mave, and Dr. Cosgrove to assess the etiology of febrile illness in patients presenting to a hospital in Pune, India and to determine how diagnosis impacts antibiotic use. He is also working on a CDC-funded project to evaluate the source of antimicrobial...

Akshay Gupte, PhD, MBBS, MSPH, PhD

Assistant Professor
Akshay Gupte
Dr. Gupte is Assistant Professor of Global Health at the Boston University School of Public Health. His research is focused on the intersection of infectious and chronic lung diseases in low- and middle-income settings. He is the PI/multi-PI of NIH funded Indo-US collaborative studies to describe the epidemiology and pathogenesis of lung impairment in tuberculosis (TB)/HIV/diabetes, measure its impact on poor clinical outcomes, and identify therapeutic and programmatic interventions to improve post-TB lung health and longevity. Dr. Gupte serves on several multi-national TB/HIV research...

Jeff Tornheim, MD, MPH

Associate Professor
Dr. Jeffrey Tornheim
Jeff Tornheim, MD, MPH, is an Associate Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases here at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His research explores the application of new diagnostic technologies to improved health outcomes in the treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis among both adult and pediatric patients in India. Dr. Tornheim recently completed his infectious diseases fellowship at Johns Hopkins, during which he worked with Drs. Amita Gupta, Vidya Mave, Bob Bollinger of Johns Hopkins, and with Dr. Zarir Udwadia at the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. His interest in clinical...

Matt Robinson, MD

Assistant Professor
Baltimore, Maryland
Dr. Matt Robinson
Matthew Robinson, MD, is Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He is interested in leveraging diagnostic innovation and precision medicine to reduce diagnostic and prognostic uncertainty for infectious diseases, particularly in India. His current projects include applications in global health, antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic stewardship, infection control, COVID-19, acute febrile illness, and tuberculosis. After undergraduate and medical school at Northwestern University, he completed internal medicine residency at New...

Matthew Murrill

Baltimore, Maryland
Matthew Murrill is an MD-PhD student in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In 2016, he was named an IDSA Education and Research Foundation Medical Scholar. After completing undergraduate studies in chemistry at Maryville College, he moved to Kolkata, India, as a Fulbright-Nehru fellow to research the sources and health effects of groundwater arsenic contamination in Eastern India with the School of Environmental Studies - Jadavpur University. He then worked for Calcutta Kids, a non-governmental organization, to establish a childhood diarrhea...

Pune: BJ Govt medical College to check efficacy of ultra-short TB preventive therapy on people with HIV

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Indian Express
Vidya Mave
The study ‘One to Three’ will compare the treatment completion of daily dose of Rifapentine and Isoniazid for a month (1HP) to the weekly dose of Rifapentine and Isoniazid for three months (3HP) in persons living with HIV in Pune. “Evidence from this study will give insights into the adoption of...

NIH clinical trial of tuberculous meningitis drug regimen begins

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Tuberculosis bacteria
The Improved Management with Antimicrobial Agents Isoniazid Rifampicin Linezolid for TBM (IMAGINE-TBM) trial will compare a six-month regimen of four drugs with the nine-month, standard-of-care regimen for TBM.

Common antibiotic can prevent drug-resistant TB in exposed kids, says study. But is it safe?

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Indian Express
Vidya Mave with text quote
Two clinical trials show how Levofloxacin, given once daily to children over six months, prevented infection in five-year-olds exposed to MDR-TB by 56 per cent and in adolescents by 45 per cent.

New study aims for best strategy to find recurrent cases of Tuberculosis

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Indian Express
Counsellors visit patients ' homes
A novel trial is underway in Pune to provide evidence on how best to find people with recurrent Tuberculosis (TB) , so that they can be quickly linked to care.

How a Pune trial SHINEs light on shorter TB treatment for children

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The Indian Express
TB OPD at Sassoon hospital
Last year, based on SHINE research, the WHO strongly recommended shortening the TB treatment duration in non-severe paediatric TB cases from six-four months.

BJ Government Medical College launches new study to assess TB, HIV, diabetes among pregnant women

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The Indian Express
Team photo
The launch of the study coincides with the World TB week. “Titled `PraGaTHi’, this study will explore how the changes in immunity due to pregnancy and GDM increase the risk of TB in pregnant and postpartum women.”

An Update on COVID-19 and India

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr. Vidya Mave
Last spring, India experienced a catastrophic wave of COVID-19 infections with more than 100,000 cases per day, exceeding hospital capacity in some areas and leading to oxygen shortages.

Mentoring your mentor

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Vidya Mave
How do you mentor your mentor and how establishing a structure can overcome some of the hurdles in building this relationship.

Research Update: TB Trials Conducted by JHU-India Team Will Shorten Drug-Susceptible TB Treatment for Children and Adults

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Research Updated
Reporting from the virtual 51st Union Conference on Lung Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced promising findings from 2 TB trials

Investigator Spotlight

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Dr. Vidya Mave
Dr. Vidya Mave is Leader and Director of Byramjee-Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College-Johns Hopkins University (BJGMC-JHU) CRS based in Pune, India...

ACTG Site Spotlight: BJGMC-JHU Clinical Research Site, Pune, India

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ACTG Network Newsletter
The BJGMC-JHU Clinical Research site in Pune, India, is highlighted in this article.

Pune part of clinical trial to prevent TB in people exposed to multi-drug resistant cases

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The Indian Express
PHOENIX Study Team Members meet with local government health officials in Pune
Indian Express: Drs. Vidya Mave and Nishi Suryavanshi are quoted in this news article about a recent PHOENIx trial event at BJGMC Clinical Research Site

BJGMC Team Convenes PHOENIx Pre-study Event for Maharashtra Government TB Program Officials

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Meeting participants, Group Photo
Collaboration and coordination with local government TB program officials are critical for ensuring transparency and a shared understanding of the study’s purpose, methods, consent process, logistics, and potential implications for India’s national TB control efforts.

Celebration of the Dedicated Participants and Staff of the REPRIEVE Study in Pune, India

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REPRIEVE Team Members of the BJGMC Clinical Research Site
Staff and nearly 140 participants in the REPRIEVE study gathered for a community event in Pune, India

World AIDS Week Is Local at BJGMC in Pune, India

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Performers conduct a play to raise awareness about HIV and HPV
The BJGMC Clinical Research Site convened community awareness activities that focused on HIV and HPV

BJGMC Clinical Research Team Exceeds 6,000 Participant Enrollments in 4 Years

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Group Photo, BJGMC Clinical Research Site, 2016, Pune, India
The Indo-JHU Clinical Research partnership at BJGMC in Pune, India, is now one of the top enrollers among all ACTG research sites internationally.

World Tuberculosis (TB) Day Recognized with Community Event at BJGMC

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This year's themes: Maintaining healthy nutrition, addressing mental health challenges, and the latest in TB research.

Uniting for a Healthier India

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"The Indo-US clinical research & education partnership started with a single NIH grant to study maternal-infant HIV transmission." Now with 76 studies underway, this short film chronicles the history & impact of our work in India.

Celebrating Johns Hopkins Medicine's impact in India

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The Campaign for Johns Hopkins Medicine
In 4 years, the CCGHE has tripled its capacity for conducting research on grave health threats, thanks to strong philanthropic support.

CCGHE Joins 12-Country UNITAID Effort to Control TB

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Shorter course to prevent progression of latent TB to active disease is the aim of the effort.
