Women's Empowerment at BJGMC World TB Day 2017
BJGMC Clinical Site Holds World TB Day Event for TB-infected Women
On March 24, the BJ Government Medical College–Johns Hopkins University clinical site marked TB Day 2017 with an empowerment workshop conducted for female participants enrolled in tuberculosis (TB) research studies at the clinical research site. Thirty-two women attended the full-day workshop, including women who recently completed TB treatment, and household contacts of active TB patients.
Provide practical guidelines for preventing the spread of TB among pediatric household contacts,> -
Help participants recognize the psychological stresses associated with TB, -
Provide strategies for resolving day-to-day issues and living positively, -
Understand the importance of nutrition in affecting health outcomes.
The day’s events opened with a welcome from by Savita Kanade, Community Coordinator for the research site, and Dr. Sona Deshmukh, Study Coordinator for TB and diabetes research provided an overview of the day’s events. Dr. Mandar Paradkar, Pediatrician in charge of TB studies, discussed strategies to prevent transmission of TB to children, including wearing masks and the benefits of INH prophylaxis for infants, and he answered many participant questions about keeping children safe from the disease.
Mrs. Anagha Adoni, a psychologist who has been a household contact of a TB patient, addressed the mental health aspects of TB and the toll that can take on people living with the disease. She reminded the group that if they experience symptoms of anxiety or depression, their study counselors can help.
Mrs. Archana Rairikar, a dietician and nutritionist, emphasized the role of good nutrition in maintaining stamina and immunity overall. She recommended using nut based oils such as peanut and coconut oil, and the importance of food that are high in iron. Mrs. Rairikar shared recipes for healthy shakes that include affordable ingredients and that are easy to make.
Ms. Tejaswi Sevekari, a sociologist who runs an NGO and is a member of the CRS Community Advisory Board, conducted a session on self- awareness. She used a short film to introduce guided visualization techniques that can help people living with TB focus on positivity.
Study counsellors who know participants personally summed up the sessions, and Dr. Vidya Mave, CRS Leader and Director, and Dr. Nishi Suryavanshi, CRS Coordinator, provided closing remarks.
Feedback from the day was positive, with participants expressing that it offered them a rare opportunity to focus on themselves and be positive about their futures.
The day’s events marked the third such women’s empowerment workshop. More than 50 women attended events held previously to address similar issues associated with HIV infection.