
Media contact:
Molly Bowen  

World Renowned Infectious Disease Doctor on COVID-19 Testing Policy

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Leslie Marshall Show
Dr. Robert Bollinger
CCGHE Director Dr. Bob Bollinger is interviewed.

The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others?

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New York Times
Dr. Robert Bollinger was interviewed for this article "[young people] are less likely to have certain health problems that can make Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, particularly deadly, according to the World Health Organization."

State response panel, experts meet to strengthen testing

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Hindustan Times
The Health Sector Response and Procurement Committee (HSRPC) of Punjab held a meeting over videoconference with experts from Johns Hopkins University, USA; Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi and PGIMER, Chandigarh, to discuss approaches to strengthen testing strategy in the state. “The state...

Want to end state lockdowns? Send in the coronavirus detectives.

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The Christian Science Monitor
Contact Tracing
CSM: Bob Bollinger discusses limitations in US capacity for tracing contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Crowd-Sourcing COVID-19 Knowledge: Doctors turn to social media

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NBC News (via WDTN, Dayton, OH)
Approved followers can see videos of nurses teaching others how to safely roll over a patient, or how to use a ventilator. Dr. Bob Bollinger of Johns Hopkins says medicine is changing. “I think it can be a very important tool, but it has to be leveraged in a way that it supports the other parts of...

Coronavirus live blog: Infectious disease expert Dr. Bob Bollinger answers your questions

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Fox News
Dr. Bob Bollinger, a professor of infectious diseases at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and consultant at emocha, a digital health startup using telehealth to monitor healthcare providers for COVID-19 symptoms.

Economy CANNOT restart until testing and contact tracing improves, says John Hopkins expert

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The US economy cannot restart until testing and contact tracing for the killer disease improves, according to a John Hopkins infectious disease expert. Dr. Robert Bollinger of Johns Hopkins University warned that the ‘biggest issue’ in the fight against the pandemic is the...

Without Testing We Do Not Know Where the Virus is and Who Has It

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Background Briefing with Ian Matthews
We begin with the U.S. having close to 500,000 COVID-19 cases, by far the highest in the world, and at the same time one of the lowest rates of testing for the virus with less that 1% of the population tested so far. Dr. Robert Bollinger, Professor of Infectious Diseases at The Johns Hopkins...

US needs more testing to ‘transfer the economy ahead,’ says Johns Hopkins infectious disease expert

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Dr. Robert Bollinger, CCGHE Director, was interviewed for this report on the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly, the U.S. needs more speedy testing and a greater system of contact tracing to decide who has been contaminated by COVID-19 and who has not, Bollinger mentioned on “Energy...

‘Every part of the country’ still at risk — ex-FDA chief urges US to stay united in coronavirus fight

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Additional testing and contact tracing efforts are critical in obtaining the information needed to “move the economy forward,” Dr. Robert Bollinger of Johns Hopkins University told CNBC earlier this week. He pointed to contact tracing programs in Massachusetts and Maryland as examples that need to...

Economy CANNOT restart until testing and contact tracing improves in the US, says John Hopkins expert

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Dr. Robert Bollinger of Johns Hopkins University warned that the 'biggest issue' in the fight against the pandemic is the lack of testing, in an interview with CNBC Tuesday.

We need to expand access to rapid coronavirus testing and contact tracing: Johns Hopkins’ Dr. Bollinger

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Dr. Bob Bollinger appeared on CNBC's ‘Power Lunch’ to discuss coronavirus response.

New York has 12 TIMES more deaths than California because the state was slow to react to the pandemic, late on lockdown rules and advised residents to 'go on with' their lives, experts say

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Daily Mail
Dr. Robert Bollinger, CCGHE Director, was interviewed for this report on the COVID-19 pandemic. New York has more than 12 times the number of coronavirus deaths than California because the state was slow to react to the pandemic, late on lockdown rules and had advised residents to 'go on with'...

Diário coronavírus (07/04/20): Brasil registra 667 mortes por coronavírus e 13,7 mil casos

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ADVFN News (Brazil)
novo coronavírus (covid-19), segundo atualização do Ministério da Saúde divulgada hoje (7). O número representa um aumento de 20% em relação a ontem (6), quando foram registrados 553 óbitos. São Paulo segue como epicentro da pandemia, com 371 mortes, mais da metade dos óbitos de todo o país. O...

Le médecin de Johns Hopkins dit que les États-Unis ont encore besoin de tests supplémentaires

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News 24 (France)
L'amélioration dans ces domaines, ainsi que les efforts de distanciation sociale existants, "nous permettront vraiment de faire avancer l'économie, de reprendre le travail", a déclaré Bollinger, professeur de maladies infectieuses à la faculté de médecine de Johns Hopkins. ...

America's Newsroom: COVID-19 Report

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America's Newsroom with Sandra Smith and Ed Henry | FOX News
CCGHE Director Dr. Bob Bollinger is interviewed by Sandra Smith about healthcare workers and personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 response. ( Video not available )

Johns Hopkins deploys mobile health app to assist frontline health workers

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America's News Room | FOX News
Fox News Interview
FOX News: The emocha Mobile Health app is helping Hopkins health workers self monitor for COVID-19.

EMA Panel Backs Pretomanid for Drug-Resistant TB

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Amita Gupta is mentioned in this article.

Rifapentine demonstrates efficacy for pregnant women, including those with HIV

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Infectious Disease News via Healio
Dr. Jyoti Mathad
Infectious Disease News via Healio: Jyoti Mathad discusses findings from the IMPAACT 2001 clinical trial.

DBT-NIH support 9th annual meeting of RePORT India

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Representatives of RePORT India and P. D. Hinduja Hospital
Consortium is chaired by Dr. Sonali Sarkar on the Indian side and Dr. Amita Gupta U.S. side, with oversight provided by DBT and NIH.
